Title: Voting Mural
Length: 6 hours
High school grade level: 12th grade (seniors)
Teachers' names: Madison Johnson, Hannah Dunlap, Alaina Cabalbal
Discussion Questions (after slideshow and jam board): Why do you think voting is important? How can voting affect you and/or your community? What aspects of voting do you want to include in the mural? What colors do you want to include in the mural? Is there any vocabulary terms that resonate with you that you want to utilize for the mural? How can voting be used to voice your thoughts/opinions?
Performance: (Role / Audience / Format / Topic)
R= the role of the students will be muralists. They will be creating a collaborative mural that is focused on voting and voting importance.
A= our audience will be the public (or whoever sees this mural at the Visual Arts building).
F= presentation, jam board pre-assessment, planning period, painting, post-assessment/reflection, overall a collaborative mural focused around voting
T= voting, voting rights, color theory, muralism
The overall “Big Idea” for this lesson is for students to be able to learn about the influences of voting and the overall importance of voting and use that knowledge to create a mural that promotes voting on a local and national scale. Students will also utilize color theory in order to create a detailed, and clear design for the mural. Students will also be able to use reference photos and the sketches they come up with in order to create a cohesive compositional design for the mural. (Composition, symbols, shapes, planning, peer cooperation, media manipulation, concepts/ideas and representation).
Enduring Understanding(s):
Students will understand the influences of voting by researching election influences, using colors and manipulating compositions to convey messages through art. They will also have the opportunity to explore the 8 studio habits of mind as well as make personal connections to the big idea, voting.
High School Learning Standard (#3): Relate and Connect to Transfer
seniors in high school (will be able to directly transfer information learned in the lesson to their personal lives outside of school)
Differentiation (Access):
Guides/outlines will be provided for students that have limiting disabilities so that they can also have the opportunity to participate in the mural.
The Jamboard is an activity that will extend students' learning by asking them questions based on the presentation to see how much they retained and see what they know about the importance of voting.
Differentiation (Expressing):
Everyone will be able to be a part of the mural creation
Students will be able to express their right to vote through their art.
Literacy is integrated into this lesson in a few different ways. Students will be participating in a jamboard which will decide the overall outcomes, ideas, and designs that will go into the mural. At the end of the lesson, students will also complete a written reflection on Instagram ( one glow and one grow for the reflection critique). Students will utilize the jamboard as a concept map in order to plan out and come up with different ideas that will be incorporated within the mural. Students will also use jamboard to discuss their personal experiences and points of view, as well as the importance of voting by writing on jamboard
Vocabulary Terms:
Primary Election: a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen
Local Election: an election to select members for a local position/event/leader
General Election: a national or state election
Election: vote to select the winner of a position or political office
Politics: the activities involved in managing a state or a government
Voting/Vote: a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative
Voter: a citizen who has the legal right to vote
Mural: a painting or other work of art that is executed directly onto a wall
Color Theory: a collection of guidelines that artists use to mix and create appealing color schemes and visual interests
Composition: putting together and organizing elements of art to create the subject matter of a work of art.
Proportion: the dimensions of composition and relationships between height, width, and depth.
Materials Our Group Will Get:
two-inch paint brushes (x3) paintbrush link
blue paint can, semi-gloss (x1 gallon)1 gal of blue paint link
yellow paint can, semi-gloss (x1 gallon) 1 gal of yellow paint link
Red paint can, semi-gloss (x1 gallon) 1 gal of red paint link
Materials Group #1 Will Get (shared materials):
painters tape
paint tray
paint rollers
purple paint can
white paint can
black paint can
prime outside wall
create a presentation with all information
create jamboard
set up painting materials
add information to Instagram account
Voting Presentation Slideshow Link (in support materials tab)
Voting Jamboard Link (in support materials tab)
possible use of a ladder when painting higher parts of the wall
Proper usage of paint (avoid consumption)
Action to Motivate / Inquiry Questions:
Why do you think voting is important?
What is an example of change in a local election?
How might you access resources on where you can vote?
Do you think local elections impact your personal life? Why or why not?
Do you know how to register to vote?
- a presentation that includes inspiring artists, art styles/painting techniques inquiry questions listed above
Ideation / Inquiry:
Students will participate in jamboard activity
Have guiding questions on jamboard
Q’S On the Jamboard: Why do you think voting is important? What would you like to know more about when it comes to voting? What colors or designs/images come to mind when you hear the word "vote". What are 3 key terms that remind you of voting? (ex: registration, polling, change)
Each student will contribute by posting a sticky note with their thoughts and ideas
Voting activity will be done on the jamboard. There will be a list of the 4-word drawings and the 8 image drawings and the students will pick their 1 word drawing they like and 2 image drawings they like. It will then be tallied up and whatever drawings get the most votes will be in the mural