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Objectives / Outcomes / Learning Targets:​

  • Through thoughtful discussion students will explore their own personal experiences with voting as well as discuss the importance of voting through both global and local points of views. Students will be able to express these experiences though the use of ideation sheets, discussion, colors and symbols.

(CO Visual Art Standard: Observe and Learn to Comprehend, -GLE_12th grade, -SHoM_Express, -Art Learning_ symbolizing)

  • Through viewing, discussing and watching a short video on voting muralists and the importance of voting, students will be able to connect personally to the topic and also be able to start thinking of the importance of voting by posting short sentences on a Jamboard.

(CO Visual Art Standard: Observe and Learn to Comprehend, -GLE_12th grade, -SHoM_Understanding Art Worlds, -Art Learning_ comprehending, Technology: Jamboard)

  • After completing the written portion of the jamboard, students will start to sketch their possible designs, symbols and colors in the four boxes on their individual ideation sheets. 

(CO Visual Art Standard: Invent & Discover to Create, -GLE_12th grade, -SHoM_Envision, -Art Learning_ planning, designing and conceptualizing)

  • After completing the ideation sheet, students will pick either one or two of their favorite designs from their ideation sheets and make a detailed sketch of those with color in their sketchbooks and then be able to post those images of their designs to the Jamboard. 

(CO Visual Art Standard: Invent & Discover to Create, -GLE_12th grade, -SHoM_Express, -Art Learning_ symbolizing, planning and designing, Technology: Jamboard)

  • After posting images to the collaborative jamboard, students will vote on their top five favorite designs that they want to incorporate in the mural. 

(CO Visual Art Standard: Envision & Critique to Reflect, -GLE_12th grade, -SHoM_Reflect, -Art Learning_ designing, collaboration, voting)

  • After voting on the top five designs that students want to incorporate in their mural design, students will collaborate together to create a cohesive and thoughtful voting mural design and come up to the whiteboard and roughly sketch-out where each design element will go in the mural. Students will also decide on a background color for the mural and a color palette that they want to mix for the rest of the mural. 

(CO Visual Art Standard: Invent & Discover to Create, -GLE_12th grade, -SHoM_Envision, -Art Learning_Planning, class collaboration, design)

  • After students have finished designing their “rough draft” of the mural and decided on a background color, students will all first mix the desired color(s) they decided for the background and they will then go outside and work together to begin to paint the background color of the mual so it's dry for next class period. 

(CO Visual Art Standard: Relate & Connect to Transfer, -GLE_12th grade, -SHoM_Develop Craft, -Art Learning_ planning, mixing colors, painting)

  • After the background color has fully dried, students will be split into two groups. One group wll begin sketching the designs on the wall with chalk, and the other group of students will start to mix the desired color palette the students decided to use for the mural. 

(CO Visual Art Standard: Relate & Connect to Transfer, -GLE_12th grade, -SHoM_Develop Craft, -Art Learning_ transferring images, mixing paints)

  • After the paint color palette has been mixed and the designs have been transferred on the wall, students will work together to paint the final mural design on the wall. 

(CO Visual Art Standard: Relate & Connect to Transfer, -GLE_12th grade, -SHoM_Develop Craft, -Art Learning_ transferring, mural painting, collaboration) 

  • After completing the mural students will participate in an online critique of their peers' work by going to the @csuvotingmural page on instagram and posting one glow and one grow from the process under the images that were posted by teachers. Students will also participate in a verbal class reflection discussion and talk about what they see, what they learned and what details could be added to the mural. (Glow= something successful, Grow= something that can be improved).

(CO Visual Art Standard: Envision & Critique to Reflect, -GLE_12th grade, -SHoM_Observe, -Art Learning_ critique, reflection, verbal communication. Technology: Instagram)


Literacy also applies to this lesson and is demonstrated through the use of the Jamboard where students answer the written questions online; and also commenting on instagram as a critique allows students to reflect on their learning experiences, as well as their peers, at the end of the lesson and the creation of the mural. 


GLE- seniors in high school (will be able to directly transfer information learned in the lesson to their personal lives outside of school)


8 Studio Habits of Mind (SHoM):

  1. Develop Craft: Design of the mural and the execution of the mural.

  2. Engage & Persist: collaborate with peers to determine a thoughtful and cohesive design of mural.

  3. Envision: How students will organize the mural designs, what images/words they want to incorporate, as well as the color palette they decide to use for the mural. 

  4. Express: The importance of voting in local/state elections as well as national elections and also share personal experiences around voting.

  5. Observe: Students will work in small groups and observe the other groups progress/ideas regarding the mural. 

  6. Reflect: Glow and Grow reflective end activity, @csuvotingmural on instagram to see updates from throughout the lesson/find resources about voting.

  7. Stretch & Explore: Students will engage in furthering their research through the sources the teachers provide. 

  8. Understand Art Worlds: Social justice topics can be demonstrated through art and the artists that students are shown during the lesson for inspiration.


Students will be able to:

  1. Define the different vocabulary terms teacher(s) have given in the slide show presentation.

  2. Understand and utilize color theory in order to mix different paint colors for the voting mural.

  3. Use different reference photos and ideation questions in order to create a design for the mural.

  4. Use technology as a resource to participate in the lesson ideas as well as find information on voting in order to create the mural (teacher voting Instagram page).

  5. Collaborate with their peers to create a mural focused on voting

  • Instagram
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