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ART 325: Concepts in Art Education
PSD Group B

Meet The Teachers!

- Hello! My name is Madison Johnson and I am an Art Education major with a concentration in ceramics! I love working with clay and enjoy hiking and tons of outdoor activities in my free time. I’m really looking forward to working with everyone this semester!

- Hey! I’m Bethany Houston. I’ve wanted to go into art education since my middle school art teacher made a lasting impression on me. I love painting and drawing people, and working with clay in pottery and sculpture.

- It’s me! Sophie Smith! I have always aspired to become an Art Teacher. It has always been a goal of mine to help children and adults to reach their creative potential. I love to draw, paint, sculpt, and create. And I'm here to help you do that too!

- Hi there! My name is Sydney Pefferman and it has always been my lifelong dream to become an Art Teacher! Although my concentration is in drawing, I remain passionate about all different forms of creativity, and I cannot wait to help my future students fulfill their artistic potential!

Our Teaching Purpose:  

             Art is an important aspect of any one person's life. No matter identity or talent, anyone who chooses to expand their artistic selves benefits. The artistic and creative benefit is the purpose of our lesson plans. Art is fundamental to creative ideas. This can be utilized throughout a person's life whether it be for personal growth or a way to make our lives have a creative edge. 

Each lesson plan is designed to examine the parts of ourselves that are fun, creative, and Exploratorium, while also allowing the development of technical skill and personal growth.

Sketch Note #6

Kellogg Notes

Basic Concepts "techniques"

- The Basic Scribbles: There are 20 Different types of scribbles. 

- The Placement Patterns: Where a scribble is placed within/outside of the perimeter of the canvas. 

- The Emergent Diagram Shapes: Non specific placement within paper edges. 

- The Diagrams: More specific relation and placement to edges of paper. 

- The Combines: Combination of diagrams, shapes, and patterns.

- The Aggregates: Utilization of 3 or more diagrams. (The child is now an artist!)

- More Complex Diagrams: Mandalas (means circle), the sun (in relation to mandalas), radials (influence placement on figures in more complex diagrams), and humans (relation to environmental interest). 

Basic Understandings

- Seeing is Believing: Visual Interest is fundamental part of art. This leads into scribbles, which initiates to rest of art as a whole. 

- How Adults Influence Children's Art: Specific controlled environment can lead to difference out comes. Lack of interest or only interest

- Children's Art as a Mental Test

- Meaning, Universal Aspects, & Theories Concerning Children's Art

Lowenfeld Notes

Basic Concepts

- The importance of Art for Education: Helps develop not only creativity skills but general work skills such as interpreting, selection, and reforming. Its also a means of expression. 

- Understanding Growth & Development: subject mater (what they are exposed to forms relationships), Different stages (scribbling, preschematic, schematic, dawning realism, pseudo naturalistic stage. Along with social, aesthetic, &creative growth.)

- Development of Creativity: 

- Art in the Elementary School: Includes motivation exercise, frame of reference, integrated learning experiences, grades, work/coloring books, exhibitions and competitions. 

Lowenfeld Summary Charts

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